
Diablo 4 ingame map
Diablo 4 ingame map

diablo 4 ingame map

Especially considering that Diablo Immoral had working a rather working UI. I just don't know how this got through from development from a game that is as big as D4 is. And you have to select the world map from the side. Right click also doesn't zoom out of the dungeons, rather puts a pin on the map. But you might actually want to get out of a dungeon rather than see a reward. Pressing map also something opens the reward pane automatically because you just earned a reward. There is no straight key to open rewards, you have to open you map and press W to open the reward pane. But even that is just a list you have to scroll down after you chose the right tab after it auto opened the materials tab because you just auto picked a material. The main page itself is pretty useless, sure you see your AP and Health, but those are useless in the long run and you have to look details to see what is what. There is a separate profile edit button you have to click to even be able to do anything to your profile. You have can't click your title to edit it. Changing your title for example is so bad. Also copied PoE there as unlike in D3, you cannot even bind it to your scroll wheel.Īnd the UI, oh my. Nobody said it was coming, but it's one of those things that a competent worker could pull of in an hour of working, so it boggles me why it's not there.Īnd yeah force move was pretty bad. I get it, still months to launch and updating UI elements isn't exactly a major overhaul if they shipped this with pre-final UI assets and all, but it's just.weirdly unexpected and offputting.Well at least in Beta there was no overlay at all nor have we seen comment on that. It's basic as fuck and these are usually the kinds of areas where Blizzard's attention to detail/polish and their money is on display. It's totally serviceable and functional and everything but.that's it. These are like, "Literally, have you ever played an ARPG in your life?" kinds of decisions.įrom videos I've seen, tthe UI stands out to me for some reason. Like, some of the design decisions like this and the lack of a proper click to move keybind option are just mind boggling to me.

Diablo 4 ingame map